Look into the future

and plan with precision

Unpredictable patient numbers, combined with factors like weather, major events, and epidemics, create constant challenges for your department, turning effective planning into a complex task.

The solution:
predicts with nearly 100% accuracy, enabling better planning and reducing stress at work

+ 30 %

Accurate predictions that solves logistic challenges

Through artificial intelligence (AI), our computers can calculate the number of inquiries you will receive—from a few hours into the future to several months ahead. The shorter the time frame, the more accurate our predictions become.

Thanks to the accurate predictions of PrecisionMedic hospitals and Emergency Rooms can improve on various parameters.

Predict the near future

PrecisionMedic algorithms are specifically developed to identify patterns in data and uses them to predict how busy the near future will be...

Prepare for sick leaves

If there are sick leaves reported, the system is used to assess whether additional staff should be called in or if they can keep their days off....

Prevent extreme stress

Healthcare staff can rely on our predictive models. If the increase in activity is short-lived, they can manage effectively until the workload subsides. However, for prolonged periods of high demand, the models guide decisions to call in additional staff...

Generally plan better

Staff use the system to plan their workday. When should they take breaks? When will they have time to tidy up? When should they eat? The system assists with optimizing this planning.

Get it implemented

Implementing PrecisionMedic is simple and hassle-free. Our team provides all the support you need for a smooth setup.